Matthew 28:19-20 tells us, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” 

PMPBC desires to further the kingdom of God by sharing the gospel locally and globally. Through partnerships with local and global organizations, as well as missionaries on the frontlines, we work to fulfill the Great Commission. 

Calgary, Canada

Antioch supports Calgary Missionary Elaine Shaneyfelt, church planters, and the work that is being done through the North American Mission Board (NAMB). Elaine grew up in Alabama and attended PMPBC as a young adult. She now serves as the minister to women, children, and outreach at Junction Church, Calgary. Elaine leads weekly life groups for women, as well as one-on-one discipleship. She also teaches children at Junction Church and though community summer camps. To reach others in the community, Elaine organizes and leads community association events, serves as a Brownie Troop leader, and leads a hiking series. Click on Elaine's photo to learn more about her and her work in Calgary.

In addition to supporting Elaine, Antioch serves as a prayer partner for pastors throughout Canada who are planting churches through the work of the NAMB. 

College students can get involved in serving the Lord in Calgary through the GenSend program. You can learn more here.


Uganda Missions is an annual gospel-centered mission trip to the Kampala area of Uganda. Based on the Great Commission, the main idea is to share the gospel so that the gospel can transform lives. We partner with International Missionaries for Christ (IMFC), an organization focused on making disciples. While in Uganda, the team shares the gospel, helps to feed the poor through the Manna program, supplies Mama Kits to pregnant women, and visits those in prisons to share the Gospel. After the mission team is back home, local pastors follow up with those who have accepted Christ to disciple and nurture them to grow in Christ.


Antioch also supports the Mama Tulia Ministry, whose mission is to "support vulnerable mothers with premature babies by providing for their physical, economical, spiritual and health needs by building a healthy environment for the premature babies to grow and live life to the fullest”. Mama Tulia visits the NICU in hospitals, shares the gospel with the mothers, provides kits for babies, and hosts Bible study and life skill classes.  

For more information, contact:

Don Collier


Antioch is planning a 2024 mission trip to support missionary Steve Thompson and the ministry team at Camp Chacauco. The team will be helping with the camp and ministering to the children who will be attending it.

For more information, contact:

Dane Hays

Unreached People Groups

Every Sunday, we pray for a different Unreached People Group. According to the Joshua Project, there are 7,414 UPG's in the world. The Joshua Project defines an Unreached People Group as a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance. Nearly 1/4 of the world's population resides in Frontier people groups, those groups with no more than one Christian per 1,000 individuals. These groups require pioneering missionary effort. Join us in prayer each week as we pray for a different Unreached People Group. Pray that they would hear of Christ and that their hearts would be moved to pursue Him as a group. 

And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations

Matthew 24:14